Category Archives for Fitness Tips

What You Should Be Doing Before And After Squats

Squats mainly increase the strength of your legs’ muscles. It also enhances the mass and muscles around your butt, thighs, and calves.It’s a great exercise that’s famous among women nowadays. A good reason for this is its convenience since it doesn’t need any equipment. However, heavy squats do need equipment since it’s a more harsh […]

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Parabody Leg Press – Make Leg Gains Easy

A leg press machine can be very beneficial, or a waste of time, and this all depends on how you use it. It’s a common sight in gyms. Usually, it’s used to enhance your legs through intense, targeted workouts.Getting assistance from a machine makes everything more convenient. The traditional way of strengthening your legs or […]

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Truth Or Myth: Do Squats Make You Shorter?

IntroductionDoes weightlifting make a person short? Do squats make you shorter? Should you encourage children and young adults who are still growing to lift weight?​Weightlifting is an extreme workout routine that gym instructors incorporate in physical education classes for kids and young adults. The reason for this is the strong perception that weightlifting, particularly squats, […]

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How To Get Stronger At Pull-Ups?

Are you looking to get stronger fast? Are you at a stand still with your gains? Do you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall and need to change things up with your workouts? Let me show you why do pull-ups make you stronger? and are hands down one of the best exercises to build […]

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How To Get Rid Of Your Hip Dips With These Easy Steps

Hip dips are a natural occurrence in the human body. Although it’s natural, some people, especially women, are not fond of it.​One of the common reasons why people want to get rid of their hip dip is because of its looks. Hip dips can be too deep sometimes and may be disturbing to see for […]

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The 8 Best Leg Workouts With Dumbbells And Barbells

Training leg muscles is an important part of a workout. Leg exercise enhances the body stability and flexibility. Moreover, this is an easy workout to grow your leg muscles. Leg exercises with dumbbells and barbells are one of the simplest ways to build your leg muscles. In fact, using dumbbells for leg exercise helps to […]

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How Much Does A Curl Bar Weigh?

Weightlifting might seem very simple to a spectator’s eyes. However, if you try taking it to another level, you’d realize that there is so much more to lifting than just being able to raise a barbell high.​There are lots of several other factors that might affect the effectivity of your lifting. The different kinds of […]

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Is It Bad To Do Squats Every Day?

Squatting is a natural movement that has significant benefits for our health and well being. If you have children, you will notice that they can pull off a perfect squat without even trying. They may squat to pick up a toy or some other objects you prefer they not touch, but they have the perfect […]

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How To Get A Jiggly Butt: Exercises for a Soft and Round Booty

What do celebrities like Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, J-Lo and Nicky Minaj have in common? Here’s a hint, it is not talent, except for Beyonce who can actually sing 🙂 It’s their butts that drive the men crazy.While most women with good looking booties can thank genetics, or surgery in the case of Nicky Minaj…it is […]

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Combining Cardio with Weightlifting – Is it a good idea?

Who says resistance training and cardio exercises don’t go together? Contrary to what you may have heard on social media or from your friendly neighborhood “bro” scientist, incorporating cardio exercises to supplement your existing resistance training program makes for a quick and efficient workout. You don’t even have to overhaul your existing workout completely – all you […]

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